Jokes aside, what is going on at the moment in Spain is so absurd, so embarrassing, and makes me feel so impotent, that I couldn't avoid voicing myself out there, shouting through the typed silence of cyberspace. AKA twitting, and in this case blogging.
I always intended to keep this site and the linked twitter account, as an "online-portfolio" and therefore not interfering with other aspects of my private life. But the moment Spain is living now is so critical, that not voicing myself, not expressing my indignation, seemed to be a passive nod to the situation. And that is just beyond me. Things have to change drastically and immediately in Spain. We must do something. We owe it to ourselves. Continuing using the media means, this is an online Petition
asking the main PP (people's party- what an euphemism!) leaders to resign. Goal is a million signatures, as of the moment I'm writing 752,057 have already done it.
We must do something.
This is the least I can do.